Saturday, March 16, 2013

Never Say

Just a few tidbits offered from my side of living with Crohn's Colitis:

Things never to say to someone with IBD:

“I wish I were skinny like you.” 
Please understand that when I hear this comment, I instead hear, “You’re lucky that you’re sick, so you can look good!” Hello, some people are thin because their body isn't getting the nutrients it needs! Besides being malnourished, people with IBD are often in a battle of trying not to lose any more weight. Despite best efforts, vital pounds are often lost. Trying to be a healthy weight can be a battle from both ends. (I know this is the opposite problem most people have.) Usually people would be willing to loan a few pounds...but hey, for the record I’d rather be fat and free of disease than skinny and sickly. ;)

“I wish I could eat healthy like you.” 
First of all, you can eat boring white rice like me if you really want to! Nobody’s shoving greasy fries down your throat.  Haha! Secondly- I wish I could eat delicious, greasy, overly sugary junk without a second thought as other people can. Jealoussss. 

“Did you just get your wisdom teeth out?” 
I've heard this comment one too many times not to bring it up. Commonly prescribed drugs for IBD, often have a side effect of swollen/puffy/fat face. I know sometimes people blurt things aloud without thinking, but pointing out the fact that a person's face looks like the moon is awkward. And having to explain it is even more awkward. 

“You don’t look sick.” 
I am not sure if this is a compliment or an accusation. From my experience, when a person lives with chronic disease, they get pretty good at hiding it. Just because someone looks fine on the outside, doesn’t mean everything is great inside. We all know this. Fact: My guts are bleeding day in and day out and that is not normal. 

“You look tired.” 
Yup , auto-immune diseases are exushating! The body is waging a constant battle against itself. This attack takes a toll... Yawns increase, lack of energy, etc. Besides that, when a person is in a flare up of Crohns/Colitis, they aren't sleeping well, and sometimes not at all!

I suppose this concludes my lesson of conversational etiquette regarding IBD! There's so much I could say about living with a crappy colon/none at all, but I shall stop here. 

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