Friday, June 19, 2015

2 Years On Humira

Its officially been over 2 years since I began taking the immune suppressant medication, ->Humira. This medication is prescribed to treat various health conditions, including Crohns Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis, just to name a few.

Pretty sure its not kosher to play in a sharps container, but it gets my point across! Holy needles!!
If you read my ->previous post about deciding to take Humira, you'll know I was very reluctant about it. Despite my hesitance, I must report that Humira has kept the symptoms of Crohns Disease under control. Ulcer free for 2+ years and counting, baby! 

I have a vivid memory of being 7 years old and getting a flu shot at the clinic. I got so worked up about the shot that I ran off and my mom had to chase me down. Well, the Humira injection doesn't feel like a puny little flu shot. The medicine burns crazy bad when its being injected. Thankfully my husband shoots me in the thigh while I howl.

Quoting the manufacturer directly, "Humira is a medicine called a 'Tumor Necrosis Factor Blocker' (TNT blocker)." This magical serum "targets and helps block TNF-alpha." Apparently,"TNF plays a role in the process that causes inflammation. Because the TNF blockers affect the immune system, they can lower the ability to fight infections and may cause other serious side effects."  Basically since Crohns Disease causes inflammation in my intestinal lining, Humira reduces gut inflammation.

Please check out this 45 second video that illustrates how the medication works...
Video originally from this site.

Since I'm literally injected with a drug that cripples my immune system: 
1. I get sick easier than most people. 
2. When I get sick, I get a worse version of it, and
3. My body takes much longer to fight off the sickness. 

Dear people of the world: if you have any cold symptoms, PLEASE stay home, for the sake of others! If you follow this common sense you'll literally help stop the spread of disease! However, if you choose not to quarantine yourself, you can count on me not wanting to be within 10 feet of you, let alone have any face-to-face conversation. I juggle enough health issues already, so please keep your icky common cold to yourself, okay?

Disclaimer: When I'm glaring at you because you're coughing/sneezing without covering your mouth, please don't take it personal. I don't hate you, but I do hate that you are unfairly exposing me to germs!!! 

Being immune suppressed, I've had some less than ideal seating arrangements on airline flights. Most recently I took a flight and by some unfortunate arrangement the ENTIRE row of people sitting directly behind me were all very sick. All 3 people had wet, constant coughing and sneezing fits. NOOO! I wore a mask to help protect myself from the germs. Sadly, a paper mask can only do so much to stop the bacteria spread throughout the air. Here's a thought: maybe the sick people should be the ones to wear a mask, not the other way around? Especially if the sickos are the type of people that don't cover their mouth! (Penny for your thoughts).
True love is wearing a mask because your spouse is immune suppressed.
Since my immune system is not up to par I have to be on my guard to be the advocate for my health. There have been many times that I've had to make adjustments in a public setting. To name a few examples I've overtly:
*Asked a server at a restaurant to be moved out of their section because they appear to have a cold and I don't wish to catch it. 
*Switched lines at the checkout at the grocery store, to avoid an ill checker from coughing all over my items.
*Told management at a deli that they have a clearly sick employee working on the food prep line and then asked my sandwich to be remade by a well employee.
I've never been impolite in these interactions; I've just been very honest about my situation and asked for accommodation. Unfortunately it seems that people don't like to be told when they're doing something wrong. Even when its standard health code! I've actually had people respond defensively to my request. It seems that unless YOU or a close friend/family member has an immune system that's impaired by medical treatment or disease, the general public just won't get what its like.
Granted, I can't live in a bubble just because I'm immune compromised, but I DO have the right to take extra precautions to keep myself well. I've decided I'd rather seem a little "uptight" than expose myself to foolish germ-ridden situations. Final word on this: Eating out of a communal bowl of chips- oh heck no!
(End of rant.)

With all those nasty germs out there, its a good thing I've discovered Norwex!  I was obsessed with these "magic cleaning cloths" long before I became a consultant for the company. Let me explain before you roll your eyes... These fancy microfiber cloths have silver woven into the fabric. Its a well known fact that silver has long been known for its anti-bacterial properties. Simply wet this silver-lined cloth and it will suffocate bacteria on whatever surface it touches! So how do I use Norwex to protect myself from getting sick? Here's one recent example:
Last week I went to the walk-in clinic and I wondered how many contagious sickos had touched the door handle. Before entering the building, I Norwex'ed (yes, its a VERB) the handle, of course! (Not that you get sick from touching a door handle, but if you forget to wash your hands after you touch it and later touch your face, you've given the germs a route to attack your body!) Soon the doctor came in to meet with me..."Hello Kelsie. I'm Dr. So-and-so (shakes hand)". My thought: "Eew- how many other sick people's hands did this guy touch? I wonder if he truly washes his hands before seeing every patient...?" Luckily I had a wet Norwex cloth in my purse that I slyly used to sanitize my hand. Other brands of wet sanitizing cloths (i.e. Clorox, Lysol, etc) require wet contact with the surface for 10 minutes to disinfect! Don't believe me? - go read the fine print on your chemicals!
This product saved my life when I was recovering from my surgeries. If I caught even a minor cold, I would have literally busted an internal stitch. I used to follow my roommates around and the Norwex light switches and refrigerator handles to protect my healing abs.

The immediate side effects of taking Humira that I experience: 1. Itchy splotches on my leg or 2. swollen injection site that become the size of a golf ball or bruise at site of injection. OR a combination of all those things: A giant, bruised, itchy and swollen injection site!

I've noticed it helps significantly if I take a Benadryl right before the injection. It also helps to ice the area afterwards. I do avoid hot showers for a day after the injection to keep the puffiness down. Even while following these guidelines, I've slept many a night with an ice pack strapped to my leg.

Although the short term side effects aren't too bothersome, I'm still quite leery of the potential long term side effects. The manufacturers warn repeatedly that it: "may cause serious infections, rare forms of cancer, Tuberculosis, blood and liver problems, Hepatitis B..." Not exactly comforting possibilities, eh? This list is the very reason I chose to have my guts cut out, so I wouldn't have to tango with medications like Humira and/or Remicade. Yet here I am, re-diagnosed with Crohns and shootin' up every 2 weeks. Oy! Since I've been on Humira, I've had 3 BAD infections of --> C Diff (terrible stool infection), and 1 UTI (bladder infection). Having a crippled immune system opens your body up for all sorts of  junk to happen! I realize that using Humira isn't a guarantee of getting a rare form of cancer, but I'm mindful that this has happened to some. Regardless of what could happen, I refuse to allow myself to entertain the possibilities because that's not constructive to living my life right now.

I thankfully acknowledge that the Lord has used this medication to keep Crohns Disease under control since 2013. Despite the hindrances, I'll continue to trust Christ and praise Him, singing... "So far there's nothing that You and I can't do. So far, well, mostly so far its all been You. So far something about this still rings through, so far all that I need is You."
Five Iron Frenzy - So Far