Saturday, March 30, 2013

Everybody Wants To Be Free

Everybody wants to be free of something. Whether its a habit, an addiction, an illness or an obligation, we all desire to be free of something.

I work at a laser eye center, which has brought this topic to mind recently. I guess I never realized that so many people wake up in the morning and aren't able to read the time on their alarm clock! Blurry vision is just one thing people wish to be free from. I must say its really neat to be part of a team that helps fix people's vision and restore their sight!
The glasses graveyard!

Throughout my ongoing battle with health issues, my heart has longed for many things. I've desired to be able to eat the same unhealthy junk that everyone else eats. I've wanted so much to be able to make plans in my life not have them sabotaged by plummeting health. I've ached to be free of medicine.
Random side story - After my third and final surgery, I was planning on having a Prednisone burning party. I was going to burn all my bottles and bottles of this anti-inflammatory, rage causing drug that I had been enslaved to for so many years. It was going to be great! However, after being re-diagnosed with Crohns, I ended up having to start taking it again. Instead of destroying the evidence of my past and celebrating my freedom from it, I faced just the opposite. Man, it would have been flippin' awesome to be medicine free. More than anything though, during my journey through downward hills and valleys, I've longed to be free of sickness. 

Both Colitis and Crohn’s can be extremely debilitating diseases. Painful symptoms can cause one to become withdrawn from social situations. Obviously its easier to sit at home when feeling weak and yucky than to plaster on a smile and face the crowds. Any outings, whether for work or fun, are consumed with the constant search for the nearest bathroom. (which by the way is pointless, because upset insides have no schedule...)

I have also struggled to be free from anxiety and fear. It has ruled my heart at times. It has taken my thoughts captive, to the point where I didn't even recognize that I was allowing that! Deep down I've always carried dread of my next downfall and all the terrors it may hold...

Regardless of how painful life can be, I realize that the Lord frees us from our trappings and make us whole again. He reaches out to us, continually inviting us to bring to Him our burdens. "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." -John 8:36  

Although I don't always understand the things I have to deal with, I know that when I hand over my burdens, my heart feels the weight lifted and I can breathe easy. Sure, maybe I will have to inject myself with medicine the rest of this earthly life. And perhaps I will have more nights spent at home than out doing fun stuff. I might be stuck with this auto-immune disease. But no matter what I deal with, I know that the Lord has set me free of being weighted down by my sin and He continually heals my heart
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in Spirit." - Psalm 34:18

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