Monday, December 17, 2012

Burning The Candle At Both Ends

Its a lifestyle choice, often made my mistake. For whatever reason, people end up doing this to themselves. Whether by over-committing, working to stay afloat financially, trying to please people or just failing to appropriately manage time, it happens. When people do this they end up tired, without energy, and yet pushing themselves continually beyond their limits. They burn their lives to the ground before they realize it, and don't slow down until something MAKES them. I have been guilty of doing this from time to time in my own life.

For me I think it happens because I'm constantly trying to find balance between carrying on with a normal-ish life while living in unwanted chaos. Also due to the fact that I'm usually stuck between “playing catch-up” and “get ahead” financially. Its pretty easy to fall behind on bills when you are really sick, hospitalized, etc... Due to this fact, I've taught myself to work when able. Sadly enough I've learned to push through feeling crummy to keep fuel in the gas tank. I've continually had to work hard to save up for the next time I fall apart. The lesson I've learned is to get ahead, before the next time comes when I fall behind. Side note- It really sucks to try to get ahead while health is going downhill and there's nothing to be done to stop it! Its a stupid cycle, but with a chronic health condition, its reality. Anywho, finance is only one contributing factor in my candle burning at both ends.

Another partial contributor to my candles getting low is busyness... Here's a quick preview of how my week goes. Four days a week I work at my desk job. On surgery days I'm usually there 10 hours. Tuesday nights are busy with bible study and Wednesday nights I help out with a youth group. Weekends I wait tables at my other job and Sunday is church. Somewhere mixed in there I try to find time to hang out with friends, and my husband, etc. After all my responsibilities I have one day a week left to relax. Until recently I was also working on my day off as well. I was exhausting myself without ever realizing it. 

Like I said, people usually over-do it until something happens and makes them slow down. For me that was last week. I caught a nasty cold, which took my voice for a few days and kept me home from work. So maybe it takes a nasty virus to help me remember to take it easy. We aren't meant to be able to go-go-go for seven days straight, week after week, month after month. I've been trying to remember to only do what I am called to do and know its okay to say no to everything else. Its funny people often say, “Take care of yourself.”, but don't seem to mean it. Yes, they want you well, but also want you to be involved with all these things. ATTENTION: My candle is meant to be a light to other people, but I better not be burning it at both ends, or I will have no candle left to burn!

The Bible tells us that in 6 days God created the heavens and the earth and on the 7th day He rested from all His work. He took a break and chilled out. He did this not because He was tired, but to set an example for us to follow. He knew mankind's limitations. He know that if we didn't allow ourselves down time to recharge, the outcome would not be good. “Sabbath" simply means "holy day", or a day of rest, set aside to honor the Lord. A day of rest and worship? --sounds awesome! He gave me this command because He loves me! Yet I often forget that He created this for my own benefit, so I don't burn out. The bummer part is, I forget this like every week. I commit to things I don't have time for, compulsively organize, etc, and forget to take a Sabbath day.

As this song by Run Kid Run says, God longs to fuel the fire beneath these tired bones! His presence is a refuge I CAN'T create.

Am I allowing myself to run back to Him? Or am I just burning my candle by both ends, week after week? Gotta protect that "set aside day" and soak up that day of rest!

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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